
We are fully committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors and registered users. DAZO networks LLC, doing business as ‘Cherry Quest’, a Washington limited liability company whose registered office and principal place of business is at 8240 126th Ave NE, Kirkland, WA 98033, is the entity responsible for the processing of your personal data, and hereinafter is referred to as the “Company”, “our”, “we” or “us”.
We believe in transparency and that you have a right to know our practices regarding the information we may collect and use when you visit our website (the “Website”) and our service (the “Service(s)”). This Privacy Policy explains our information gathering and dissemination practices and describes our data collection, use and disclosure.
This Privacy Policy is part of our Terms and Conditions. Unless defined otherwise, all capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy but not defined, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Terms and Conditions available at:, into which this Privacy Policy is incorporated thereto by reference.
In general, you can use parts of our Website without providing us any information about yourself (except cookies and similar techniques, as detailed in our Cookie Policy [LINK] for now the cookie policy is written here).
When we do require personal information from you to provide services that you request, or when you choose to provide us with your personal information, for example when you decide to submit a form, subscribe or acquire our Services, this Privacy Policy will explain how the Company uses that personal information and how we collect it from you when you visit our Website.
By using our Website or Service, you acknowledge that you have reviewed both our Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy, you consent to them and agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, do not use the Services or provide us with your personal information.

What data do we collect and how?

Our company collects the following data:
a. “Non-Personal Information” – This refers to information that cannot be used to personally identify you and includes anonymous site usage data and platform information provided by your browser including your IP address, device and browser types and identifiers, and referring web page address.
This information is collected via third-party web analytics services in connection with this Website (services such as Google Analytics, WordPress, WooCommerce , iThemes Security , Product Add-ons, Stripe, WooCommerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce Services). These service providers use a variety of tracking technologies such as cookies, to analyze how users use this Website. This information collected, will be collected directly by these service providers to evaluate your use of our Website. For more information regarding how These service providers use data from our Website and how you can control the information sent to them, we highly recommend that you read their Privacy Policy thoroughly.
b. “Personal Information” – This refers to personally identifiable information such as your name and E-mail address.
This information is provided to us by you during the registration process or optionally when leaving feedback using the contact form on our Website. By registering to our Website, you are authorizing us to collect, store and use your contact information (e-mail address, name and phone number) in accordance with this Privacy Policy. As sated above, you can visit and use parts of our Website anonymously without providing Personal Information, however, our risk analysis Services require that you provide us with information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. In these situations, if you choose to withhold the information requested by us, it would not be possible for you to gain access to certain parts of the Website or Service or for us to respond to your queries.
Note: Please note that you are responsible for any third-party Personal Information obtained, published or shared through this Website and confirm that they have the third party’s consent to provide said information to us.

How will we use your data?

We use Non-Personal Information such as anonymous Website or Service usage data and platform information for the following purposes: Website and Service performance, content performance, enhancing safety and security, features testing and data transfer outside the EU.
If you register to our Website or Service and provide us with Personal Information, we will use this information to personalize your experience so that you can save and retrieve your portfolio risk analysis and other models you may configure on the Website. We will use Personal Information- first name, last name, email, phone number, zip/postal code and address provided via our contact forms or customer service inquiries to respond to you regarding the reasons you contacted us.
We may also use Personal Information, such as name, last name, email, phone number, zip/postal code, address to improve your experience on our Website or Service by providing personalized content.
We may also use Personal Information, such as name, last name, email, phone number ,zip/postal code, address, if you contact us or subscribe to our newsletter, for the purpose of sending you promotional or informational materials, direct mailing and targeted advertising on products that we believe you may be interested in. We do so only if you have given your explicit, free, and informed consent for such purposes. In line with the GDPR we will always give you the opportunity to opt into our mailing list and without your consent we will not add you to our mailing list to receive direct marketing or market research information.
Note: Disclosure of Personal Information – we are the sole owners of the information collected on this Website. We do not sell, trade, rent, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information unless we provide clear notice to you and obtain your explicit and informed consent for your data to be shared in this manner. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our Website, our Service, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential.

We may also process or transfer Personal Information for the following reasons:

a. You have given consent for one or more specific purposes. You should know that under some legislations we may be allowed to process personal information until the User objects to such processing (“opt out”), without having to rely on active consent. This does not apply whenever the processing of Personal Information is subject to EU data protection law.
b. Provision of data is necessary for the performance of an agreement with you and/or for any other pre-contractual obligations.
c. Data processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Company is subject to.
d. The processing is related to a task that is carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of an official authority vested in the Company.
e. The processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interest pursued by the Company or by a third party (for example to enforce our Terms and Condition or other Website policies, to protect our or others’ rights, property, or safety).
f. When our company processes an order, it may send your data to and use the resulting information from, credit reference agencies to prevent fraudulent purchases.
g. For the purposes of processing recurring subscription payments, we store the customer’s name, billing address, shipping address, e-mail address, phone number and credit card/payment details. This information is shared with third-party payment processor plugin [,] which are used to collect subscription payments.
h. In the event of sale or transfer of all or substantially all our company’s or any of its affiliates shares or assets, in cases of mergers or in cases of negotiations with respect to the foregoing.
i. To enable us to reach you and to provide you with potentially interesting offers.
j. If we organize the operation of the Services within a different framework, or through another legal structure or entity, or if we enter bankruptcy proceedings.

Data sharing and disclosure

Our offices and servers are located in the United States of America, therefore, your Personal Information could be processed outside the country where you use our Site, specifically but not limited to the U.S.A, which does not have laws providing specific protection for personal data and has different legal rules on data protection. Your data may even be replicated across multiple servers located in such countries, so please be aware that you are consenting to your data being transferred, stored and processed by us in the U.S.A in order for us to provide you with our services but subject to the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy.
If you do not wish for your personal information to be stored and processed by us in the U.S.A, do not use any of the services provided on our website.
Because the Company is a global company, your personal information may be shared with other of our offices or subsidiaries around the world. All such entities are governed by this Privacy Policy or are bound by the appropriate confidentiality and data transfer agreements.
The Company may share your personal information with other companies or people under any of the following circumstances:
a. When we have your consent to share the information;
b. We need to send the information to third parties who work on behalf of the Company to provide you with a customer service or promotional or informational materials (we will only provide those companies the information they need to deliver the service, and they are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose);
c. In the event of sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the Company or any of its affiliate’s shares or assets, in cases of mergers or in case of negotiations with respect to the foregoing;
d. To our service providers and subcontractors in order to keep you up to date on any information we think you would like to hear about either from us or from our business partners (unless you have opted out of these types of communications), subject to your opt-in consent to such processing activities; or
e. Where needed for corporate audits or to investigate or respond to a complaint or security threat, to prevent illegal uses of our Services, to defend ourselves against third party claims and assist in fraud prevention or investigation.
f. We will also disclose your Personal Information if required to do so by law, or in urgent circumstances, to protect personal safety, the public or our Website.
We will not sell or otherwise transfer the personally identifiable information you provide to us at our Website to any third parties for their own direct marketing use unless we provide clear notice to you and obtain your explicit consent for your data to be shared in this manner.
For the above purposes, personal information may be transferred to recipients in countries around the world (which may be located outside the EU/EEA) which in some cases may have a lower level of protection than that within the EU/EEA. When transferring personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA, to jurisdictions that did not receive an adequacy decision by the European Commission, we use standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission to ensure a sufficient level of protection for your personal information. The standard contractual clauses can be found at –
If you wish to, you may contact us to clarify the specific legal basis which applies to a specific occurrence of data processing, and whether it is necessary under statutory or contractual or pre-contractual requirements.

Legal Basis for Processing

Our collection and processing of Personal Information is based on the following:
a. The need to carry out the above processing of information, which is in anticipation of entering into commercial engagements or as part of the performance of existing engagements with you.
b. To the extent that we use the Personal Information for advertising or promotional activities, including direct mailing and targeted advertising, we will request your specific, freely-given, unbundled, informed and separate consent to such uses.
c. To the extent that we use the Personal Information to improve this Website or Service for analyzing statistics, the basis for collection of data is our legitimate interest to conduct such improvements and analysis.

How do we store and protect your data and for how long?

a. Place: Our Company securely stores your Personal Information at its operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located. Depending on your location, data transfers may involve the transferring of your Personal Information to other countries. Users are entitled to learn about the legal basis of data transfers to a country outside the EU or to any other international organization governed by public international law or set up by two or more countries, and about the security measures taken by the Company to safeguard them.
b. Security Precautions: We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via our website, your information is protected both online and offline. Wherever we collect sensitive information (such as “Personal Information”), that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information. The servers on which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment, and we further protect your information from potential security breaches by implementing certain technological security measures including encryption, firewalls and secure socket layer technology. Your account is protected by your account password and we urge you to take steps to keep your personal information safe by not disclosing your password to others and by logging out of your account after each use. However, these measures cannot guarantee that your information will not be accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of such firewalls and secure server software. By using this Website, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks.
c. Retention time: Personal Information shall be processed and stored for as long as required to fulfil the purpose for which they have been collected.
Personal information collected for purposes related to the performance of a contract between the company and you shall be retained until such contract has been fully performed. This means that we will delete your Personal Information when such information is no longer necessary, unless we have a legitimate interest to retain such data for longer periods or are required to do so by applicable law. Statistics which has been anonymized and other anonymized information may be saved thereafter.
Note: Users who register on our Website, can view Personal Information they provided in the user account section of the Website. Users may edit or delete their personal user account information at any time, however the information may still be retained in historical data backups. Please note that because we operate in a highly regulated industry, we feel it is prudent to retain personal information for longer periods of time in order to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements; all in accordance with applicable law.


Our company would like to send you information about our Services that we think you might like
If you agreed to receive marketing, you may always opt out at a later date. You have the right at any time to stop our company from contacting you for marketing purposes or giving your Personal Information to other members of our company group. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please click here.

What is your data protection rights?

Our company would like to make sure that you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. If you are a resident of the EU/EEA or other territories, you may at any time request the rectification or erasure of your personal information and may be entitled to the following:
a. The right to withdraw consent: users have the right to withdraw consent where they have previously given their consent to the processing of their Personal Information.
b. The right to access: you have the right to request our company for copies of your Personal Information. We may charge a small fee for this service.
c. The right to rectification: you have the right to request that our company correct any Personal Information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request our company to complete information you believe is incomplete.
d. The right to erasure: you have the right to request that our company erase your Personal Information, under certain conditions. Please note however that if you choose to do so it could mean that our company would be unable process any or some of your requests or provide you with requested services.
e. The right to restrict processing: you have the right to request that our company restrict the processing of your Personal Information, under certain conditions.
f. The right to object processing: you have the right to object to our company’s processing of your Personal Information, under certain conditions.
g. The right to data portability: you have the right to request that our company transfer the Personal Information that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.
h. The right to file a complaint: Users have the right to bring a claim before their competent data protection authority.
Note: if you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights (a-h), please contact us at: [].

Data security

The Company safeguards the security of your Personal Information you provide us with physical, electronic, and managerial procedures, taking into consideration the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of processing your Personal Information. While we strive to protect your Personal Information, we cannot ensure the security of the information you transmit to us, and so we urge you to take every precaution to protect your Personal Information when you are on the Internet.

Privacy policies of other websites:

Our Website may contains links to other websites. Our Privacy Policy applies only to our Website, so if you click on a link to another website, we suggest your read their privacy policy thoroughly.

Additional information about data collection:

a. In addition to the information contained in this Privacy Policy, we may provide the user with additional and contextual information concerning particular Services or the collection and processing of Personal Information upon request.
b. Information not contained in this Privacy Policy: More details concerning the collection or processing of Personal Information may be requested by us at any time.
c. How “Do Not Track” requests are handled: we do not support “Do Not Track” requests. To determine whether any of the third-party services it uses honor the “Do Not Track” requests, please read their privacy policies.

Changes to our Privacy Policy:

We amend this policy from time to time. If we make substantial changes in the way we use your personal information we will make that information available by posting a notice on our Website.
This Privacy Policy was last updated on September 30, 2021.

How to contact us:

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Contact us form at: